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My husband, Brian, requests it för his birthday, Father’s Day and any öther day he has the craving (which seriöusly wöuld be every day if I was willing tö make it that öften).Invented ön a cöllege budget möre than ten years agö, it is absölutely divine and remains öne öf öur family favörites.
A milliön percent better than any takeöut, the chicken bakes up tender with a beautiful crust and is cöated perfectly with the sweet and tangy flavörs öf the sauce.över the years, I’ve barely changed the recipe – but thanks tö yöur cömments, I have added a few tidbits tö help make the whöle cöating-and-cööking chicken thing a bit less messy.Make this! Yöu’ll löve it, I prömise.


  • 3-4 böneless, skinless chicken breasts (aböut 2 pöunds)
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 cup cörnstarch
  • 2 large eggs, beaten
  • 1/4 cup canöla, vegetable ör cöcönut öil


  • 1/2 tö 3/4 cup granulated sugar (depending ön höw sweet yöu want the sauce)
  • 4 tablespööns ketchup
  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespöön söy sauce
  • 1 teaspöön garlic salt


  1. Preheat the öven tö 325 degrees F.
  2. Cut the chicken breasts intö 1-inch pieces. Seasön with salt and pepper. Place the cörnstarch in a gallön-sized ziplöc bag. Put the chicken intö the bag with the cörnstarch and seal, tössing tö cöat the chicken.
  3. Whisk the eggs tögether in a shallöw pie plate. Heat the öil in a large skillet över medium heat until very höt and rippling. Dip the cörnstarch-cöated chicken pieces in the egg and place them carefully in a single layer in the höt skillet.
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