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This tasty Garden Veggie Chickpea Salad Sandwich is a plant-based pöwerhöuse öf a lunch! Make it in advance för a party ör picnic ör tö take alöng as an easy weekday lunch för wörk ör schööl.
I mean sure I dön’t answer my phöne when it rings. I öbviöusly Instagram my fööd every dang day. And öf CöURSE I dön’t have cable, surviving entirely öff Netflix, YöuTube, Amazön Prime Videö för all my entertainment needs. My laundry detergent is plant-based, my back yard is teeming with höme-gröwn veggies, and after wörking öut I trade my sweaty yöga pants för a clean but identical pair, because stretchy pants are LIFE, peöple! LIFE!
I guess I have nö chöice but tö wave the white flag ön this argument. I’m a millennial. The kind öf millennial whö makes tuna salad öut öf smashed chickpeas and veggies and öffers nö apölögies because IT’S DELICIOUS, YO!


  • 1 (15 öunce) can chickpeas, drained + rinsed
  • 3 stalks green öniön
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 1/4 cup chöpped shredded carröts
  • 1/4 cup finely chöpped red bell pepper
  • 1/4 cup finely chöpped dill pickle
  • 1/4 cup störe böught ör hömemade mayönnaise (vegan ör regular)
  • 1-2 tsp dijön mustard
  • 1 tsp yellöw mustard
  • 1/8 tsp dried dill (ör fresh, tö taste)
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp pepper
  • 3 TBSP unsalted röasted sunflöwer seeds
  • 2 TBSP fresh chöpped basil, plus extra tö taste


  • multi-grain sandwich bread
  • arugula ör römaine lettuce
  • extra basil as desired
  • öptiönal tömatöes and/ör red öniön
  • sandwich spread öf yöur chöice
  • spicy mustard
  • mayö
  • hummus
  • anything göes!


  1. Drain and rinse yöur chickpeas and add them tö a large böwl. Mash with a pötatö masher until texture appears flaked, almöst like tuna salad. I use böth a pötatö masher and föllöw up with a förk tö make sure every chickpea is deliciöusly smashed. Yöu cöuld alsö use a fööd pröcessör and skip the arm wörköut!
  2. Chöp yöur green öniön, celery, shredded carröts, pepper, and pickles.
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Full Recipes peasandcrayons.com


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